Depression, then, comes mostly or entirely, from the idea that we are powerless to change our situation, whatever it is. The "Secret" tells us that this idea is simply wrong. We have power. We have hope. We can change, even if it takes a while. We can influence our world, and in doing so, we can become happy again.
A lot of people are misinformed about what "the Secret" is. They watched the movie or read the book, read what they want to into it, jumped to conclusions, and assumed they know everything there was to know. Actually the "Secret" is pretty complex and difficult to understand because it goes against everything we've been told. I have a small library on the subject, and I'm still struggling to understand it. I do know, however, that after being moderately to severely depressed most of my life, the "Secret" is the best thing I've ever heard. Why? Because it gives the depressed person some hope.